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Monday, 29 June 2009

Following on from my previous blog...

So true to his word, Mr Burkha told his troops not to start work until 6am. Did he? If he did, then did they listen? Here is my photographic evidence of the refuse collectors 'working' before 6:00AM. (Identities of the workers has been concealed)

The Runner

Pictured is the "Runner", a team of either one or two men who run ahead of the lorry, collecting black packs and piling them into larger piles. Here seen at 6:00AM coming out of FAWLEY GROVE 14. In driving past him to the top of Brandwood park Road, its a fair estimate that he has been running for at least 30 minutes, maybe even 60 minutes.

The Lorry

The lorry at the junction of Yarningdale Road and Brandwood Park Road with bin men (faces and registration number blocked), pictured at 6:02AM.

The Area covered by 6:00AM

Google map of the area cleared by 6:02AM. Red area is completely cleared. Green area has been prepared ready for the lorry by the 'runners'.

The Aftermath

10am and the recycling boxes AFTER being emptied. It must be pointed out that there are 3 teams on recycling day, team 1 collect normal black back refuse, teams 2 & 3 collect blue box recycling -paper/card and green box - aluminium and tin cans, milk and pop cartons and glass bottles. There the team that left this mess is not the one referred to above. Lets go back to yesterday's blog...

Birmingham City Council's Refuse Department refuse operator is VEOLIA, a company which boasts on its website a turnover of €36.1 billion at over 300 sites. Averaging £100 million per site. And my council tax pays for this? If I'd bought an item from a shop and it wasn't fit for purpose, then I'd go back and expect a refund.
DTW 29/6/2009

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