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Saturday, 4 April 2009

Bad Friday

A week before Good Friday we had Bad Friday.

Annette's Auntie, Dorothy Florence Kennedy died on mothering Sunday. In her mid 80s Dorothy was a sweet little lady. Her dear husband, George, died 17 years ago. Her little brother, Annette's father Albert, had died 3 years ago . She has one surviving sibling, Brenda. Not the closest of families, we only ever seem to meet up at funerals these days, but when we do, like all family reunions we pick up where we left off. Dorothy and George had three of the most loving and devoted daughters, Susan, Sandra and Karen.

On Bad Friday we had Dot's funeral. Because of a social services meeting happening later in the day, Annette, Jonathan, Samantha and Victoria were not able to attend. If they had they would have been completely useless in the afternoon. It was a lovely uncomplicated funeral.

As we went in we heard a pop idol winning song "This is my moment", then we sang Jerusalem. As usual, I didn't need the song sheet until the middle of the second verse where I always sing "I shall not cease from mental strife" instead of "I will not cease from mental fight". Then we heard Psalm 23. The second hymn was Morning has broken. As the curtain closed around Dot's casket The Titanic theme (Kate & Leo version) played. Then as we all left the chapel "The time of our lives" from Dirty Dancing played actually sounding quite solemn and respectful. Imagining Auntie Dot watching over us with tongue in cheek...

Very nice, succinct

God Bless You Dorothy

DTW 4/4/2009

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